Get hands-on with the latest HVACR products & technology
See what's new from 1,800+ exhibitors
Product categories include: heating, cooling, refrigeration, ventilation, plumbing, IAQ, building automation, sustainable solutions, software & AI, and tools & instruments.
Talk to the product specialists
HVACR solutions are rarely one-size-fits-all. Save time by talking to the people who know what they’re talking about. Schedule in-booth meetings now using the link below.
Sit in on rapid-fire new product presentations
Check out our lineup of 20-minute presentations of the latest technology from leading HVACR manufacturers.
1,800+ Exhibitors
50,000+ Attendees
350+ Speakers
The event for HVACR
1,800+ Exhibitors >>> 50,000+ Attendees >>> 350+ Speakers >>> The event for HVACR >>>
Learn from experts, innovators and the pros in the trenches
AHR’s education programs will keep you current with today’s trends, emerging regulations, best-practices, and future forecasting
Get real-world insights from top industry leaders
Check out the Free Industry Seminar Program featuring 100+ free sessions open to all attendees.
Join the discussion in the AHR Panel Series
Listen in as leaders representing the major industry segments come together to discuss the state of HVACR and discuss ways to address pressing issues.
Earn continuing education credits
There are many opportunities to earn PDHs at the AHR Expo, including ASHRAE Learning Institute sessions, open to all attendees (registration & fee required).
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